Amazon Warriors - the Inspiration for our CBD Anti-Aging Facial Serum
There is an interesting backstory to the creation of our Scythian anti-aging facial serum, currently taking the CBD world by storm, but before getting to that we need first to introduce you to the Amazons - a legendary and beautiful but formidable female warrior race, and fierce enemies of the Ancient Greeks.

It was 19th century German historian, Johann Jakob Bachofen who published what was, at that time, a radical thesis. In it he asserted that the Amazons were not a legendary myth but a reality, and detailed their warrior way-of-life. He is thought to have been a major inspiration for Richard Wagner when he composed the wonderful music for his opera Die Walkürie, detailing the exploits of the formidable Brünnhilda (It ain't over til the fat lady sings), and her fellow Valkyries, complete with pigtails, horned helmets, wings and armor.
Last year, by a fortunate piece of happenstance, we stumbled upon an online article describing how two scientists had received a Nobel prize for figuring out the chemistry behind an ancient Amazonian practice. They would rub on their skin the hot and bitter juice from a wild local relative of the cabbage plant, to help drive out the bitter cold of winter.
The article then went on to explain how the Scythians, as they were also known, were able to retain their legendary beauty, despite the harsh Steppes living conditions, by the habitual use of overnight facial masks containing cypress, cedar and frankincense.
Armed with this knowledge we set out to create our modern-day version of their beauty treatment, using essential oils, CBD, vitamin E, MCT & avocado oil.
The Amazon Women - Is there any Truth behind the Myth?
Scientists Get Nobel Prize for Explaining Ancient Women’s Medical Cure
(The picture shows a computer-generated facial reconstruction of a Scythian warrior, obtained from a skull found in a 2000-year-old grave in Southern Russia, where she had been buried along with all her weapons)