FAQ - CBD and other Cannabinoids

In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about Bee Well CBD (Cannabidiol), its administration, product selection, and how CBD has the potential to give a significant boost to your overall health, energy and wellbeing.

What Is CBD?
What are the potential benefits of using CBD (Cannabidiol)?
What is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?
What is the Entourage Effect?
How do I choose suitable products?
What is the legal status of CBD in the US?
Does CBD show up in a drug test?
How much CBD should I take?
When should I take it?
How long does it take for CBD to work?
Is regular daily use of CBD better than taking as required?
Does CBD lose potency over time?
Can CBD help with pain management & control?
Can CBD relieve insomnia and help me sleep?
Can CBD relieve stress?
Can CBD improve my digestion?
Can CBD control foot fungus (Athlete's Foot)?
Does CBD have any side effects?
What is CBC?
What is CBG?
What is CBN?

I am on prescription medications. Could there be any adverse reactions?
Can Doctors legally recommend CBD?
How do I talk to my Doctor about CBD?
Can I get High on CBD?
Where does your CBD come from?
How do I place a Wholesale Order?
I love your Products - Who should I tell?

What Is CBD?
CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the hundred or so different cannabinoids naturally found in the hemp plant. It is non-psychoactive meaning that, unlike marijuana you won’t experience a loss of coordination, heightened sensory perception, an attack of the munchies or slower response times.

What are the Potential Benefits of using CBD (Cannabidiol)?
CBD (Cannabidiol) provides many health benefits spanning our entire physical and mental well-being. Researchers have confirmed these benefits, and are learning more about them all the time.

When consumed, CBD activates your body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), reinforcing the two-way communication between your brain and other systems in your body – one reason why CBD has been shown to improve health by helping the whole body holistically.

The benefits are widespread. CBD (Cannabidiol) can help in transforming overall mood, with positive implications for your general health.

More specifically, CBD use can help promote the following:

  • Calmness and Relaxation– CBD can help your disposition and productivity, boost wellness, mitigate restlessness, promoting better sleep quality with all its attendant health benefits, and provide therapy for general sleep disorders.  It won’t leave you feeling disoriented and will elevate, rather than lower, your general energy levels.
  • Stress Relief - CBD can help support a sense of calm.
  • Recovery -Taking CBD immediately after exercising will lead to a shorter period for recovery.
  • Heart Health - CBD has been shown to have potential benefits for people suffering from high blood pressure, as it can influence the contraction of the heart muscle and help widen blood vessels. 
  • Joint Health - Mobility depends on your joints. A lifetime of exercise and movement can leave them worn and stiff. Fortunately CBD can support your joint health and help ease stiffness and aches and promote increased joint mobility.
  • Pain Relief - especially for those individuals who have to daily live with chronic pain. Inflammation is one of the key causes of this condition, and studies have shown that CBD can play a key role in its reduction, and without the side effects of many medically approved drugs. It has also been shown to help moderate the worst effects of rheumatic diseases such as fibromyalgia
  • Cognitive Function - Part of the aging process can leave you with declining mental faculties. Because CBD interacts so readily with your central (parasympathetic) nervous system, it can provide support for your memory and focus during your golden years.
  • Skin Health - When ingested or used topically, CBD can have anti-inflammatory effects that can ease swelling, itchiness, and dryness.
  • Improve Digestion - Anxiety resulting from high stress levels can affect your digestion, bowel movements and nutrient absorption. Common conditions due to this include IBS and gastritis. CBD's propensity for stress reduction can contribute enormously to better digestive health.
  • Depression & Anxiety - Recent studies investigating CBD's ability to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and even PTSD and psychosis, also found a corresponding decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, leading to a general improvement in overall health. This quality also has potential in the treatment of drug dependence and substance abuse
  • Weight Loss - CBD's ability to promote the change of the body's white (bad) fat cells into brown ones, a more active form, can aid the burning off of calories and hence obesity reduction.
  • Neurological Conditions - Recent research has indicated that CBD showed some promise in the treatment of conditions such as Parkinson's disease, Huntingdon's disease, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and motor disorders such as cerebral palsy. 

What is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?
CBD's soothing effect is down to its biological similarity to naturally occurring endocannabinoids in our bodies. More specifically, these endocannabinoids and their receptors are found in the body’s endocannabinoid system. 

In the ECS a network of receptors and chemical signals work together to regulate various key biological functions within the central and peripheral nervous system, including:

  • Appetite
  • Mood
  • Cognition
  • Metabolism
  • Growth
  • Sleep
  • Immunity

This complex signaling system has a crucial role to play in maintaining bodily balance, or homeostasis. From managing stress and regulating the sensation of pain to helping us sleep, our ECS is vitally important for maintaining virtually every aspect of our well-being. 

What is the Entourage Effect?
There are many different cannabinoids produced by the  hemp plant, the importance of which we are only just beginning to understand. Since the initial discovery of CBN and CBD in the 1940’s at least a further 113 cannabinoids with varying properties have been identified, and the search for additional members of the family is on-going. 

The so-called minor cannabinoids as well as the multitude of other natural organic compounds found in hemp are very important to the overall benefits of CBD consumption. 

It has been found that their combined effects are very much stronger than the effects from any individual one taken in isolation. This phenomenon came to be known as the Entourage Effect, and is the primary reason behind our choice of full spectrum CBD oil for use in all our products.

How do I choose suitable products?
When searching for CBD (Cannabinol), prioritize products that meet the following criteria:

  • USA-grown
  • Purity tested
  • Certificate of Analysis (COA)

The Certificate of Analysis (COA) from an independent testing laboratory ensures that the CBD product you’re buying has been tested for overall potency and cannabinoid levels. It will also confirm that any THC that may be present is at a level below the legal limit of 0.3%. Its availability gives you complete confidence that you’re purchasing a superior product.

The full spectrum oil we use in our products contains CBD and many other useful cannabinoids and other natural components, all of which contribute to the Entourage Effect. All these cannabinoids occur naturally in the hemp plant.

This allowed for the federal legalization of CBD (Cannabidiol) products derived from such plants. Almost immediately, hemp-derived CBD swept the nation.

Does CBD show up in a Drug Test?
Our products contain much less than the US legal limit of 0.3% THC, so they are not psychoactive. However even a very small bodily presence of THC can still result in a positive result from a drug test. Be aware of this fact if you are subject to regular drug testing at your place of employment.

Also, if your product contains CBN (Cannabinol) then this compound, even though totally non-psychoactive, can still result in a false positive result, as its molecular structure is similar to that of THC. 

How much CBD should I take?
Everyone is different. The amount of CBD which is most effective depends on both your personal needs and physiology. Always start with a low serving size and then gradually build up to a higher amount. For many people, 10-20 mg of CBD per day is sufficient, but others can take much more. You can also increase your dosage over time as your body gets used to it.

If you experience lethargy then you should cut back on your consumption. You should establish CBD as part of your daily routine by picking a time of day and sticking to it, such as when you’re winding down in the evening. Be sure to observe how your body is responding.

When should I take it?
This largely depends on why you are taking it. If you are using it to improve sleep quality then an hour or two before bedtime could prove ideal. Others prefer to start their day with their CBD. If you want to use it to assist in recovery from a yoga or other strenuous exercise session, then take it immediately after completion. 

How long does it take for CBD to work?
Reaction times to CBD can vary. If you don't experience any noticeable changes within half an hour or so then take a second dose. You will soon discover your optimum level

Is regular daily CBD use better than taking as required?
CBD works best when used consistently, so it is in your own interests to establish a consistent daily routine and stick with it. It may take up to 30 days or more for full support for your ECS to be established. Taking CBD on an as-needed basis makes it unlikely that you will ever experience its true potential. Patience and persistence are the real keys to reaping the full benefits from this amazing substance. 

Does CBD lose potency over time?
In common with most natural products, CBD will eventually lose its potency. However it does have a long shelf life of up to 2 years, providing it is stored correctly, in a cool, dry place away from any source of bright light. 

Can CBD help with Pain Management and Control?
CBD (cannabidiol) can help alleviate muscular and joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties, potentially offering relief for conditions like arthritis, back pain, and muscle soreness. In our salve, Pain Expel, we have reinforced these pain management capabilities by the addition of a potent blend of specially selected essential oils.

Can CBD relieve Insomnia and help me Sleep?
CBD's anti-anxiety properties have been shown to potentially offer major improvements in sleeping patterns. Our PM CBD Salve contains 1200 mg of full spectrum CBD, enhanced with a natural and relaxing blend of essential oils, and since its launch we have received back many good reports from happy users. 

Will CBD relieve Stress?
Modern living is stressful. If none of the normal methods to control stress such as exercise, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, better sleeping patterns, diet, etc. then it is time to enlist the support of Stress-Less, with its ability to calm the vagus nerve.

Can CBD improve my Digestion?
CBD can help mitigate upper gastrointestinal issues such as nausea and vomiting, and interacts with a variety of receptors that control the movement or motility of digested food through the gut. In addition, its anti-anxiety properties can help reduce the effects of IBS, associated as it is with elevated levels of anxiety. Our Mind/Body Balance stimulates the vagus nerve to help boost your immune system while at the same time helping you relax, properly digest, expel toxins and balance your moods.

Can CBD control Foot Fungus (Athlete's Foot)?
Foot fungus or Athlete's Foot is caused by the same organism responsible for Jock Itch and Ringworm. It is very contagious and likes to hang out in warm damp places, making it prevalent in environments such as changing room floors and on damp towels. It can also easily be spread to other parts of the body by scratching or picking at the infected areas.

It has many unpleasant side effects. Foot fungus signs include:

  • Itching and burning: Worst affected areas are normally between the toes or on the soles.
  • Redness, swelling, and inflammation: Tends to occur in areas where the skin is moist or sweaty.
  • Flaking, peeling, or cracked skin: Can appear white, gray, or yellow.
  • Blisters: Small in size, they can be painful and may burst and ooze.
  • Thick, discolored or detached nails: may be yellow, brown, or brittle.
  • Stinky feet: Caused by the presence of bacteria and fungal spores.
  • Soreness or pain: Most noticeable when walking or wearing shoes.

Our CBD Foot Balm enhanced with a potent blend of essential oils, when used daily will get rid of the itch, odor and cracked skin from Athlete's Foot the natural way, and provide a significant and ongoing improvement to your foot health.

Does CBD have any Side Effects?
CBD is recognized by the World Health Organization and the FDA as generally regarded as safe (GRAS). However, there is still a possibility of mild side effects.

They are often minimal and disappear after the initial stages of taking it. These include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite
  • Fatigue & drowsiness
  • Dizziness

If you’re worried about these side effects or if they persist, talk to your doctor, and also ask about possible interactions if you are also taking prescriptive medications. 

While CBD side effects are often random and affect individuals based on their body compositions, you can limit your chances of experiencing them by carefully choosing your CBD product.

As with any CBD brand, prices must be offset against quality. There are a lot of shoddy products on the market, but potential buyers should insure that what they are getting is what they believe they are paying for. All Bee Well CBD products are fully tested by an independent laboratory to verify their cannabinoid content and demonstrate their superior quality, and that they contain no heavy metals, pesticides, solvents or other undesirable contaminants. They come with label scan codes which link directly to a copy of the most recent test report. 

What is CBC?
CBC (Cannabichromene) is becoming increasingly popular following extensive research into its beneficial properties, particularly regarding the relief of inflammatory conditions and pain related to arthritis or similar illnesses.

Discovered over 50 years ago, it closely resembles CBD in that it's a non-intoxicating product that doesn’t compromise your senses or make you feel high. Its potential benefits are extremely promising. However, it is not as readily available as CBD making it somewhat more expensive.

There appears to be a direct correlation between CBC use and cancerous tumor size reduction. It can also contribute to enhanced brain function and potentially offer therapeutic potential for neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s.

What is CBG?
CBG (Cannabigerol) is commonly referred to as “the mother of all cannabinoids” because chemically speaking it is the base from which every other is derived. 

It has coffee-like effects and promotes energy and focus. Preliminary research indicates that it may have many benefits for anxiety, pain, inflammation, neurological disorders, and more – and has even been claimed to be, in some ways, even better than CBD.

What is CBN?
CBN (Cannabinol) is one of more than 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Its drowsy effects have made it a popular cannabinoid for both therapeutic and recreational purposes. A recent study on the effects of CBN on rats showed it produced, on average, an increase in sleep time comparable to the sleep aid Zolpidem.  

I am on prescription medications. Could there be any adverse reactions?
CBD may change how medications work within your body. Its predisposition to enhance the effects of essential oils can also have a similar effect on your medications. Some medications (prescription and over-the-counter) may increase in concentration (strength) due to CBD, which in turn can cause an increase in the effects (and side effects) of those medicines. In particular, CBD should not be taken by anyone on prescribed drugs that slow brain activity, such as those used to treat anxiety, panic, stress, or sleep disorders,

If in any doubt, ask your doctor before taking CBD. They may need to adjust your prescriptions accordingly.

Can Doctors Legally Recommend CBD?
As, with only one exception (an anti-seizure medication), CBD is not approved by the FDA, so doctors are not allowed to prescribe it. However, there is nothing in the rules to prevent them from recommending it if, in their professional opinion, it could be helpful in the treatment of any specific health condition.

How do I talk to my Doctor about CBD?
While your doctor may not be able to prescribe CBD, they can still engage in a productive conversation regarding its potential benefits.

If you’re unsure how to begin such a conversation, consider the following tips:

  • Ask about their experiences with CBD - Doctors may be able to share anecdotal findings about other patients who have used CBD and provide some tips on both its suitability and consumption. It is also possible that they themselves are actually users. Often, doctors are more than happy to discuss the benefits they’ve discovered from personal experience.
  • Ask for resources – If your doctor doesn’t have all the information you need, they can likely point you to online resources for help. Gather a factual picture of the world of CBD and personal health through reliable sources like peer-reviewed articles and studies.

As medical research continues, the discourse around CBD will continue to expand and health professionals and even the FDA may adopt a very different approach to the use and recommendation of CBD products.

Can I get high on CBD?
No, you will not get high from any of our CBD products. They all contain less than 0.1% THC, the psychoactive part of the cannabis plant that most people associate with this feeling. CBD has no psychoactive effects. High doses can induce lethargy – a sure sign you need to cut down on your dosage.

Where does Your CBD come from?
Our CBD is extracted from hemp grown in Colorado, one of the main hemp cultivation areas in the US. To insure the highest possible quality, each new batch is tested by a reputable third-party lab to verify its exact contents. Using the results we can, if necessary, adjust our recipes to maintain published specifications and benefits of each of our products. For your reassurance the label scan codes give you direct access to lab test results.

(Hemp under the terms of the 2018 Farms Act is a legal classification that refers to strains of the cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% THC. Marijuana, or weed, is cannabis containing more than 0.3% THC.)

To enjoy the many potential benefits, browse our products, and get started on your CBD journey today.

How do I place a Wholesale Order?
We are always very interested to hear from potential new distributors. Please contact sales@beewellcbdoil.com or call 570 495 4098.

I LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS! Who should I tell?
Please share your product experience with your friends, family, co-workers and other contacts, both personally and through social media. You can leave your comments on this website, and also reach out to us on Facebook – BeeWell CBD_Enhanced Salves, Serums, Drops. If you have your own website then please consider adding a link back to https://beewellcbdoil.com.

Finally, please give us your suggestions for new topics to be included in this FAQ, and let us know if you still have any unanswered questions: sales@beewellcbdoil.com

- None of these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drugs Agency (FDA). None of our products are intended to treat or cure any illness or disease.