Stress-Less for Rapid Stress Relief
What is Stress?
Stress is experienced by everyone at various times during their lives. It can be caused by a variety of factors, often unique to each individual. However, common sources include work issues, school challenges, personal relationships, life changes such as moving, changing jobs or bereavement and financial worries.
Stress is the body's automatic response to a demand or challenge. It begins with the rapid release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones in turn cause a burst of energy to help you deal with the situation, often called the fight or flight response. How you perceive and react to these challenges can determine the levels of stress you experience.
These hormones increase your heart rate, elevate your blood pressure, and boost your energy supplies. While helpful in an emergency, frequent or prolonged bouts can be harmful to your general health. Chronic stress can contribute to a myriad of health issues, affecting many of your bodily functions.
How can I deal with Stress?
There are many ways to help alleviate stress, such as exercise, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, better sleeping patterns, improving your diet, etc. However it would be very hard to find one to beat Stress-Less, our potent combination of Bee Well CBD oil with a special mix of essential oils, it can quickly and effectively combat stress and anxiety.
Application is quick and easy from its roller bottle. Simply invert and apply to the depression located immediately behind each ear lobe. At these locations your vagus nerve, central to your calming parasympathetic nervous system, is closest to the surface and thereby readily accessible.
1 comment
It recommends applying Stress-Less to the depression behind the earlobes, where the vagus nerve (linked to the calming parasympathetic nervous system) is easily accessible.