Benefits of CBD

Benefits of CBD

  1) Pain Relief
  2) Anti-Inflammatory
  3) Digestive Health
  4) Depression & Anxiety
  5) Sleep Quality
  6) Weight Loss
  7) Acne Reduction
  8) Seizure Control
  9) Cancer Treatment Side Effects
10) Headache & Migraine Relief

What is CBD?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in hemp, from which it can be readily extracted.  It is one of many different cannabinoids present in this plant, each one having its own unique properties. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive and therefore does not make the user “high” or “stoned”. Its therapeutic effects make it an increasingly popular alternative to traditional medications.

CBD has many therapeutic uses, both mental and physical. Our Bee Well CBD topicals are available in roller bottles and also as salves, depending on their application.

CBD can help in the treatment of a wide range of health issues, including anxiety, stress, depression, chronic pain and insomnia, and can even protect and help to regenerate the body’s nervous system.

Health Benefits of CBD

Numerous CBD health benefits have been discovered, all of which have scientific backing based on comprehensive medical research and studies, but are not yet officially deemed to be fully proven or conclusive. 

  1. Pain Relief

Chronic pain can lead to profound feelings of misery and irritability. It affects many people to a lesser or greater extent in their day-to-day lives, although in some cases it may remain undiagnosed. Common conditions giving rise to pain include headaches, migraines, and arthritis.

Bee Well Pain Expel Salve is a fast-acting CBD salve, 2oz tin, with a powerful mix of 1200 mg terpene-enriched full spectrum CBD, enhanced with a potent blend of essential oils, to help mitigate both joint and muscular discomfort. 

Bee Well Pain Expel salve for  rapid relief

CBD has been clearly shown to have the ability to reduce pain, with many choosing it as a natural and safer alternative to traditional painkillers. It works through the multiple receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS affects many bodily processes, ranging from maintenance of the immune system to energy output. It is believed that CBD interacts with ECS receptors that lie in the immune system and the brain. When these receptors receive chemical signals from CBD, they can promote a response from cells throughout the body. Due to this interaction, your brain’s perception of pain may also change, helping to provide a further level of relief.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is one of the root causes of chronic pain. High levels cause swelling of muscle tissues, which in turn put pressure on nerve endings. The body’s immune system, in turn, will then also attack your joints in an attempt to lower these inflammation levels, resulting in even more pain and discomfort - a classic example of positive feedback.  

Inflammation can be either a side effect from or cause of many illnesses and health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, and many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Animal studies into the role of CBD in inflammation treatment show real therapeutic potential with minimal, if any, side effects.

  1. Digestive Health

Continuing high stress levels can affect digestion, bowel movements, and the absorption of nutrients. Stress and anxiety can also produce imbalances in gut bacteria.

Many illnesses can arise from such impairments, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastritis.

CBD helps by reducing anxiety and lowering stress levels. Its interaction with the ECS not only improves digestion, but can also lower your heart rate and blood pressure, while promoting a feeling of calmness within.

Some people report a reduced appetite after using CBD - good news for those of us who may experience poor digestive health as a result of being over-fond of their food!

  1. Depression and Anxiety

Unlike the wide range of adverse side effects from traditional medications for depression and anxiety, more and more people are choosing natural alternatives such as CBD.

Bee Well Stress-LessUsing a potent combination of Bee Well CBD oil with Ylang YlangBergamot and Lavender essential oils, it can quickly and effectively combat stress and anxiety. 

Bee Well Stress-Less for anxiety and stress reduction

CBD can reduce stress by interacting with receptors within the body that affect serotonin levels. Although it is not believed to boost these levels, it can amplify their response to serotonin already present, lowering the risk of anxiety attacks and depression, and with a corresponding decrease in blood pressure and heart rate.

  1. Sleep Quality

Maintaining good sleep quality is essential prerequisite to our overall health, as a lack of sleep can impact how the body heals and repairs itself from the daily ravages of modern living, leading to an increased risk of physical and mental illnesses. A disrupted sleep cycle can often be due to the effects of anxiety, stress, or insomnia.

Bee Well PM Salve - contains 1200 mg full spectrum CBD in a 2 oz tin, enhanced with a natural and relaxing blend of essential oils

Bee Well Relaxing PM Salve and sleep aid

As already mentioned, CBD’s anti-stress properties come from its interaction with your body’s serotonin receptors, improving your mood and lowering your heart rate! The corresponding decrease in anxiety and stress can be a great help in both getting to sleep and also to stay asleep.

Cortisol  levels also have a part to play in sleep quality. Higher levels can promote high blood pressure and low sleep quality. It is also clearly associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, as it interacts with brain receptors. CBD use has been linked to a lowering of cortisol levels, with a consequent improvement both in overall health and quality of sleep. 

  1. Weight Loss

The ability of CBD to promote changes in appetite has been linked to both weight management and weight loss.

Digestive conditions such as IBS can have a significant effect on bowel habits. Prolonged bouts of diarrhea or constipation can upset the delicate balance of gut bacteria, which in turn is responsible for our moods, appetites, and even food cravings! An excess of ‘bad’ gut bacteria is associated with increased sugar cravings, wreaking further havoc on digestion.

CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help ease digestive conditions, leading to more regular bowel movements and increased gut health. Healthy gut bacteria support our efforts to resist unhealthy cravings, while keeping ourselves full and satiated!

CBD can also change how the body interacts with fat, helping to convert “bad” white fat into "good" brown fat cells, as well as increasing the body’s ability to break down fats. Brown fat cells are seen to be more active, stimulating the metabolism and burning off excess calories!

  1. Acne Reduction

The intensity and frequency of acne breakouts can be reduced by cutting back on excessive oil production, which can clog your pores and increase pimple populations. CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects can help influence and partially inhibit the sebaceous glands responsible for this oil.

  1. Seizure Control

CBD is showing great promise in the control of seizures, helping to moderate their severity. It is steadily replacing traditional medications. Those who don’t respond well to such medications, especially children, can benefit from the gentle, well-tolerated nature of CBD.

Even the FDA have approved one CBD-based drug Epidiolex, due to its proven effectiveness! 

  1. Cancer Treatment Side Effects

CBD is a popular natural option for patients looking to ease the side effects from cancer treatment. Because of the intensity of such treatments they are often accompanied by many unwanted, and often severe, side effects. These can include insomnia, nausea and decreased appetite, chronic pain and changes in bowel habits, all areas where CBD, through its interaction with the ECS, can help restore some semblance of normality.

  1. Headache and Migraine Relief

Headaches and migraines can be painful, and tend to occur at the most inconvenient of moments. More and more people are rejecting traditional painkillers in favor of natural options such as CBD, which is well tolerated without any significant side effects.

Studies have found that, unlike addictive painkillers, those who used CBD found no need to increase their dosage during long-term use. CBD, by changing the brain’s perception of pain, can effectively relieve your chronic pain symptoms, with a lowering of pain output across the entire body.