Bee Well CBD Foot Balm for the Natural and Effective Control of Athlete's Foot
Athlete’s foot results from infection by the tinea fungus. It can be caught by direct contact with an infected person, or by touching surfaces previously contaminated with the fungus.
Tinea thrives in warm, humid environments, such as those commonly found in showers, on changing room floors, and around swimming pools. Factors that can increase risk of infection include wearing tight shoes, not drying wet or damp feet at the earliest opportunity, having excessively sweaty feet and sharing socks and shoes with an infected person.
Its unpleasant symptoms Include itching / burning in the feet and on the soles, blisters, cracked / dry skin especially between the toes, raw skin and discolored toenails.
Traditional treatment has been by use of over-the counter antifungal medications. However, many of these possess unpleasant side effects, including swelling, irritation, burning, redness, sensitivity, hair loss, stomach pain, headache and nausea.
Do not despair. Let CBD (Cannabidiol) come to your rescue. With its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressant and analgesic properties it proves to be more than a match for the dreaded Tinea. In simple termsit can help destroy the protective bacterial skin surrounding the fungus, assist in the regeneration of cells and the healing and repair of the skin while, at the same time, decreasing inflammation and relieving the associated discomfort.
In addition CBD is completely natural and has no serious side effects or risk of addiction. It also protects and enhances the immune system, most important for those who may also suffer from other conditions and diseases.
These qualities not only help to treat the problem, but also help prevent any recurrence. We have found that the most effective treatment is direct application to the infected areas of a salve containing not just CBD but also a blend of essential oils, specially selected for their anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
This is the thinking which has gone into the formulation of our Bee Well Foot Balm, with its 1200 mg of full-spectrum CBD reinforcing the anti-fungal properties of wild oregano, tea tree, clove bud, cinnamon and lavender essential oils.
Daily use can not only contain the effects but also largely get rid of the symptoms, providing a huge relief for anyone who has ever suffered from this pernicious infection.